UpContent Topics and Collections Explained

Topics are where UpContent presents the articles it has found that meet your customized criteria.
UpContent's proprietary crawler scours news and blog outlets, worldwide, and applies machine learning techniques to present the articles that will best meet your needs.
UpContent topics are refreshed twice a day, so the best articles are always just a click away.
A Collection is a "staging area" where content–both discovered through UpContent and added manually–can be instantly sent to a social media platform of choice, RSS feed, email newsletter, or website page.
Collections are used to manage approval and compliance workflows and to automatically place a customized call-to-action on each article that is added to the collection - allowing for direct conversion and placement into digital advertising audiences.
Learn more at upcontent.com
Fill out the custom topic form! https://www.upcontent.com/request-your-free-custom-built-topic